Poker is a game where players use cards to create the best possible hand. It is played in hundreds of variations and can be enjoyed by players from all over the world.
The rules of poker vary among games, but all involve betting and raising based on probability, psychology, and game theory. Some games have fixed-limit betting, while others allow players to raise the amount they bet by matching the previous bet of any opponent.
Betting rounds
The first betting round, called the flop, deals three community cards to all players. During this round, every player gets a chance to bet, raise, or fold their hand.
After the flop, the dealer puts a fourth card on the board. This is the turn. In this round, all players still in the hand have a chance to bet, raise, fold or call.
Next, the dealer places a fifth card on the board. This is the river. This final betting round is known as the Showdown and is when all of the players’ hands are revealed.
The player with the highest-ranked hand wins the pot. The highest-ranked hand is a royal flush, which includes 10 of one kind (all clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades) and five consecutive cards of that same suit. The other ranks of hands are the straight flush, four of a kind, two pairs, and one pair.